STIM Social Review: Best Instagram Bot?!
STIM Social Review worth reading for Instagram influencers who want a bot service similar to Instagress where you can grow your Instagram followers with ease. STIM Social reminds me of Instagress in so many ways.
They have similar settings to grow your Instagram account by Follow, Unfollow, and Likes. It’s a good option for influencers who focus solely on Instagram.
The user interface is easy to use and navigate for anyone who wants an online Instagram bot service with basic settings. First and foremost, STIM Social is not a scam, shut down, or unsafe to use despite what other websites suggest. The other websites are basically using “click bait” titles to get your attention, so you’ll click on their website links. STIM Social is completely safe to use and not a scam. We have tested STIM Social and we didn’t experience any issues.
You can check whether STIM Social is “shut down” or not by going directly to their website here.
Anyway, STIM Social is one of the many Instagram bot services on the market. Instagram shut down the major ones (e.g., Mass Planner and Instagress) a few years ago; however, there seems to be one popping up every single week offering the same service. In my opinion, Instagram should let it be. They’re wasting valuable resources and there will always be one popping up.
Dashboard STIM Social Review: STIM Social vs Buying Followers/Likes Is BAD As mentioned before, buying Followers or Likes is bad because creates a false sense of social validation. The proper way to grow your Instagram followers is to get it through organic means, so it doesn’t make you dependent on the service.
You want organic growth because you want real followers engaging with your content; when real followers engage, it makes your Instagram account extremely valuable to brands. Sponsors want to see large organic engagement and there’s been a huge crackdown on buying Follow
When you buy Followers and Likes, it’s all bots engaging with your account and the bots have bots as followers. There aren’t real people seeing your content or talking about your account; you can’t create a buzz around your brand with buying Followers or Likes. Bot accounts are very easy to spot because they have similar characteristics like images don’t match the profile pictures and they look spammy.
If you’re in it for the long run, definitely read on as we review a STIM Social.
STIM Social Review: Background
STIM Social is an online Instagram bot service. It’ll automate your basic Instagram actions like Follow, Unfollow, and Likes. There isn’t an Unlike, Comment, Like Comment, and Story viewer options.
Login & Dashboard STIM Social login is screen is very simple. They give you instructions on how to log in and validate your Instagram account. They do this because Instagram monitors your login locations to ensure it’s really you. The reassuring part is the connection is encrypted with 256-SSL encryption, so your login credentials aren’t leaked or stolen. Once you log in, STIM Social will make you enter a validation code sent by Instagram via email or text. As mentioned, this is done to ensure it’s really you logging into your Instagram account.
Targeting After logging in, STIM Social will request 5 accounts’ followers for you to target. In other words, 5 accounts who’s followers you want to steal or gain visibility with. I would choose large accounts, so you can target a larger audience. The only issue with targeting large accounts’ followers would be a large number of bot and inactive accounts. However, it doesn’t really matter if you’re trying to grow your real followers and don’t want to consistently change target accounts.
STIM Social also offers hashtag targeting, so you can target accounts interested in your niche. STIM Social sets a 100 hashtags limit; however, a 100 hashtags is more than enough for you to target. I would mix up the hashtags with most used (i.e., millions + tagged), medium used (i.e., 200-999k tagged), and lesser used (i.e., less than 200k) to ensure your actions aren’t overlooked by potential real followers.
However, it is worth noting that there are a lot of people who use irrelevant hashtags on their posts to try to reach different audiences. There’s a good chance you might Like or Follow people who aren’t interested in your niche. STIM Social has a location targeting option to get real followers. The location targeting is for check-ins. In other words, you can like or follow real followers who add a location to their posts like Central Park New York, Los Angeles, Eiffel Tower, and so forth. It’s a fairly useful feature, but I think the hashtag feature can reach more people. As mentioned, there is a good chance might Like or Follow people who aren’t interested in your niche. There’s a 100 location limit like the hashtag targeting, so it’ll be a good idea to research the most used locations to ensure you are optimizing the best locations.
Settings STIM Social setttings is fairly straight forward. You can control the speed, create a blacklist, or whitelist, and set limits. Unlike Instagress, they don’t limit your speed in turns of unfollow, follow, and etc. They pretty much let you run wild with it’s settings. Now, the speed should be used cautiously because you don’t want to get flagged by Instagram. The best way to handle the speed would be to slowly increase the intensity over weeks. If you set it too fast, you’re going to get flagged.
In addition, STIM has an option to save your settings. This is really useful when you’re trying to get real followers because you can switch between settings to change up your activity. Why would you want to change your activity? It’s simple. Instagram recently updated their algorithm to detect bot users, so switching your settings with change up your account activity. You want your activity to appear as human as possible, so Instagram doesn’t suspect anything.
STIM Social Review Growth Settings Here are some of STIM Social highlighted features: Speed – Set the speed of your Likes, Follows, and Unfollows Follow Limits – Set when you want to start Unfollowing people Private Accounts – Set whether you want to follow private accounts
Gender – Set if you want to follow male, female, or both
Profile Picture – Set whether the account has to have a profile picture for you to engage with it
Business Accounts – Set whether you want to engage with business accounts
Post Limits – You can determine how many posts you want to like per account
Following Limits – Set minimum and maximum followings an account has to have for you to engage with it
Follower Limits – Set minimum and maximum followers an account has to have for you to engage with it
Unfollow Speed – Determine the speed of your unfollow
Unfollow Limit – When to switch back to follow mode
Unfollow Source – Determine who you want to unfollow Engagement Speed – Choose speed for Likes
Engagement Source – Choose who you want to engage with
Engagement Like Limits – Set minimum and maximum Likes a post has to have for you to Like it Sleep – Determine whether you want STIM Social to go into ‘sleep’ mode
Sleep Start Time – Choose when STIM Social will go into ‘sleep’ mode Sleep Duration – Set how long STIM Social will be in ‘sleep’ mode
Want to see all of STIM Social features? Check out the page here.
Activity STIM Social keeps a log of all your activity. This is useful because you can see what accounts you’re engaging with. In addition, they track who follows you back, so you can analyze what’s working and not working. You can further optimize your settings to help you gain more real followers.
Furthermore, STIM Social has a timeline of all your account actions, so you can see how long it’s running each action. Why? This feature helps you determine when you can use Instagram on your phone.
The last thing you want is STIM Social to Like a picture at the same time you Like another picture on your phone. It’s a bad idea and it definitely sends red flags to Instagram. STIM Social coupon and STIM Social Discount doesn’t exist.
They have an upgraded reporting option to see who are your Top Engagers. I find this somewhat useful because you can engage back with your Top Engagers to show your appreciation. Furthermore, you can determine who’s a real follower or a bot follower. The only issue with STIM Social Reporting is you can’t exclude engagement groups (i.e., Instagram pods) from the reporting. You’re not getting accurate numbers on how your account is really performing unless you keep track of your Instagram pod Likes and Comments. It’s not really much of an issue for me though. I still find it somewhat useful to determine how many real followers are engaging with your content.
Performance We tested STIM Social’s service with our “test” account to ensure Instagram didn’t block any activity due to lack of posts on our actual Instagram account. In addition, we wanted to make sure it was safe to use. Anyway, within STIM Social’s trial period, we got fantastic results. Within 5 days, we were able to gain around 200 followers on their “pro” speed by targeting hashtags, locations, large accounts, and without the follow/unfollow method. Lastly, we didn’t have any issues with it being unsafe to use nor did we receive any blocks or warnings from Instagram.
Billing STIM Social is a monthly subscription service. It has five different plans. The five plans are Fast, Turbo, Extreme, Pro, and Managed. The Fast being the cheapest plan and the Managed plan being the most expensive. Unfortunately, they don’t provide must detail for each plan. Also, you can pay via PayPal or credit card.
Is STIM Social safe? Absolutely! During my trial period, I didn’t see any issues arising from my usage. STIM Social coupon and STIM Social Discount doesn’t exist. Is my Instagram login credentials safe? Absolutely! However, if you have any concern, you can always change your password.
Will I get shadow banned? NO! People get shadow banned involves your posts not showing up in hashtag searches. They don’t show up for two main reasons: 1) using too many hashtags, and/or 2) using irrelevant hashtags.
Pros and Cons PROS Simple features Easy to use Reporting dashboard Ability to save settings Semi-low maintenance 3 different targeting options (i.e., hashtags, accounts, and locations) Sleep option Minimum and maximum limits for target accounts
Online service 5 day FREE trial here
CONS It’s a monthly subscription fee Plans aren’t very detailed STIM Social operates out in the open, so it can get shut down like others No Unlike, Comment, Story Viewer, and Like Comment options Requires some maintenance Instagram only
Get your 5 Day FREE Trial here.
STIM Social Review: Conclusion
STIM Social is a very easy Instagram bot service to get real followers and likes. Its basic features are geared toward helping “Influencers” grow their Instagram accounts. The basic Like, Follow, and Unfollow features are the safest way for people to grow their Instagram account and get real followers. Like other services, STIM Social automates everything, so you don’t have to do anything. The days of automating your Liking, Following, and Unfollowing has come back. There is no need to manually do any of those things with STIM Social. To be honest, I don’t think STIM Social will get shut down anytime soon because STIM Social doesn’t have any of Instagram’s trademarks like Insta, IG, or Gram in its name. Instagram usually targets bot services committing trademark infringement because it’s an easy win for them. If you’re trying to become an influencer, I would suggest taking advantage of STIM Social’s service and start growing your account.
It’s only a matter of time until STIM Social gets shut down, so I would personally take advantage of it now. I would sign up and grow my account while I still can with STIM Social. Get your 5 Day FREE trial here.
Lesley's Book Review
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Monday, January 7, 2019
Why Are You Not Reaching Your Writing Goals?
What would you do if you could not fail? Imagine in detail where, in five years from now, you would like to be living. What would your home look like? What would you look like? What will you be doing? What areas of your life are you grateful for? Most times people will focus on what they don't have, what they want, and forget what resources they already have that they can work with. Many people believe their brain works their actions but, in fact, you control what your brain does.
If you think of your brain like a muscle in the body, if you want it to be the best it can possibly be, you have to commit to exercising it, not just once, but on a continual basis. The same is true for your brain. You can control it. Your brain will only do what you tell it to do. Like a jukebox. There are many records on that jukebox, ones that can put you in a happy state or a depressed one. You can choose which song you want to play by the words you say to yourself. ‘I am going to have a rubbish day’. ‘Things never work out for me’. People use the words always and never, without considering the negative impact it has on you achieving your goals.
Let us look at that question again. Why can I never succeed? First, this statement is not true, you must have succeeded if your family love you, if you have friends, if you were successful in getting a job? Second, the brain cannot deal with non-specific questions as it will just give you the quickest answer. Now let's ask a more specific question. What is taking all of the free time I have and is preventing me from completing the first draft of my novel?
You must be honest in your answer. Do not blame others for situations that first you are accountable for and second, you can control. Blame is hard to get rid of because it puts the focus on you, and it makes you in control of moving forward. It's not what happens to you that is important, it's how you react to it, how you deal with it by what you say to yourself, and how quickly you can move forward using goal setting techniques and effective time management. Remember you’re accountable. Blame is hard to give up because it shifts the focus from others to you. By shifting the blame you will take action, and not make excuses. It’s not what happens to us that is important, but how we can deal with it and move forward. Always move forward making notes, mental or otherwise, about what has been learned from your past behaviour and experience. What you have right now is what you have attracted by your negative inner talk, destructive rituals, and low expectations.
The person you have become is the person you have worked hard to become. Negative or positive, you have put time and effort into developing who you are and where you are today. To have more you have to demand more of yourself. Human nature is to avoid pain. If you feel a goal or challenge will be painful, you will do anything to avoid it by making excuses or blaming others. But negative self-talk will add more limitations. Have you ever had a dream, goal or idea and talked yourself out of it before you had even started because of fear of failure or fear of being judged by others? From today, make sure you spend just 5% of your time thinking about the problem, then 95% of your time focusing on a solution. What goals are you going to set yourself today?
by Lesley Jones Best Selling Author of the Addictive Laugh Out Loud Comedy The Diary Of Poppy Parker
Read many more articles to help you become a successful writer here
by Lesley Jones Best Selling Author of the Addictive Laugh Out Loud Comedy The Diary Of Poppy Parker
Read many more articles to help you become a successful writer here
How To Keep Motivated Constantly
Why are many people motivated for only a short time and then lose it? One reason is that every one of us has standards, and these differ from person to person. These standards are backed up by our rituals or actions that we perform every day. If you have low standards and low expectations, then the results you achieve will be low too. Are you failing to reach for the stars because others tell you that your dream is impossible? Do not live your life by what others expect from you. What if you didn't need the permission of others to create your idea of the dream life and not theirs? How would that feel? You are ready to change when the pain of not becoming a writer is worse than the commitment it takes to complete your book. You must raise your standards and back this up with daily rituals.
Rituals are the actions we take. The rituals we do shape the outcome. If you have a ritual of watching television instead of writing, your consequence will be no completed novel, it is that simple. But, if you set yourself a target of writing every day for one hour, can you imagine how much of your novel would be completed in 365 hours of writing? If you want to achieve any goal, start changing your ‘shoulds’ into ‘musts’. When you use the word ‘should’, it means you will do something when it is convenient for you, in other words, when you have nothing better to do. However, when it is a ‘must’ you will find the time, no matter what. Think about the times you use the word ‘must’, you can bet your life the rituals are met.
Stop procrastinating out of fear. So many people never achieve their goals because they spent their life doing the 'right' thing by pleasing others or listening to those negative people with negative thoughts. We all know people that are so negative that if they won the lottery, they would find a reason not to celebrate. The glass is always half empty. They spend their life complaining about their situation but do nothing to change it. They thrive on the ritual of complaint. They see the bad in everything. When they enter a room, the light goes out. Cut the ties with those people. We all know what happens to an apple if it is placed next to a rotten one.
Make the following exercise part of your new daily ritual. Before you go to sleep at night for 5 days a week, make a list of 10 things you must do the following day to make it great. To make your day happy, fulfilling and moving you towards the direction you have chosen to go. For example, create a great villain, write a great plot twist, or complete that engaging logline. Remember to write ‘I must’ before every goal you set yourself.
What do you think power is? Strength? Power is actually having the ability to change the way you see your life. Power is a specialized knowledge found in the minds of the successful, happy and wealthy. Power is to be spiritually aware of who you really are, and not what others want you to be. Why are we not all successful and happy? Power is available to us all - we live in a free country, where we can achieve whatever we desire. Most of us get bogged down in the fear that we are not capable enough, that we could fail and look stupid. The commitment it takes to succeed is too much effort, so we procrastinate and slip back into the comfort zone of what we know.
Successful people have the ability of an inner voice that pushes them forward and wills them to succeed. There are only two instincts you are born with, and they are fearful of falling and reacting to loud noises; the rest is learned. Do you have the right to be happy and successful? Are you ready to start making new rituals and say goodbye to the old destructive ones? What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve it?
by Lesley Jones Best Selling Author of the Addictive Laugh Out Loud Comedy The Diary Of Poppy Parker
Read many more articles to help you become a successful writer here
by Lesley Jones Best Selling Author of the Addictive Laugh Out Loud Comedy The Diary Of Poppy Parker
Read many more articles to help you become a successful writer here
Friday, December 21, 2018
How To Stop Fear Killing Your Dreams
The fear of failure is the main reason that kills most people's dreams. Nobody likes to admit they have failed in anything they have tried in their life. It is a huge knock to your sense of self-worth, and you begin to doubt that you can ever become a success, no matter how hard you try. We often compare our lives and our careers to others around us, imagining their lives to be so perfect and on track. However, this is detrimental to our own life journey, because we are unique, there is nobody like us and so our hopes and dreams are different from those whom we aspire to emulate.
When we look at successful writers, we only see the success they have achieved. We do not think about the many rejections they had to receive, the unpublished manuscripts, the failed marketing techniques, or the people who doubted their ability. All we focus on is that they are a success and we are a failure because we have not had our breakthrough yet. Stop right there!
So, now that we have indulged ourselves in self-pity, it is time to remind ourselves how awesome we are. If you believe that you are a great writer and that success is within reach, then you are a great distance to achieving it. Of course, modesty is a great personality trait, but you also have to recognise your talent and your ability to succeed and achieve everything you desire. Remember, your life is a long journey of learning; some life lessons are positive, others not so good, but the point is, you will learn something new with every lesson. I am a great believer in positive thought and there are so many books on the subject or information on the internet regarding focusing the mind on positivity. The brain can only work with the information it is given. If you are concentrating on others' success and not your own, then how can you expect to fulfil your ambition?
The common characteristic of an entrepreneur is how they tackle failure. They do not recognise it as an excuse to stop striving, but a lesson on what tactic doesn't work, so then they simply try another until they find one that does. As a writer, you need to just start writing, even if you have no clear direction on where you want your carear to take you. Maybe start off writing something small like a blog on a subject you are passionate about. Then gradually you can build on your writing techniques and try writing something more challenging.
If you still feel like a failure and this is preventing you from trying anything new, then read the life story of Abraham Lincoln, which is an absolutely perfect example of a man that refused to give in to failure. Failing just means you are human, so stop being so hard on yourself and punishing yourself constantly with negative internal dialogue. Failing isn't trying something and not achieving it; it is never even trying in the first place. Go away and read books by the likes of Phil Macgraw or Les Brown. Reading their perspective of failure totally changed how I saw myself. It is time to be kind to yourself and take that first brave step.
by Lesley Jones Best Selling Author of the Addictive Laugh Out Loud Comedy The Diary Of Poppy Parker
Read many more articles to help you become a successful writer here
by Lesley Jones Best Selling Author of the Addictive Laugh Out Loud Comedy The Diary Of Poppy Parker
Read many more articles to help you become a successful writer here
Read Like A Writer
Some of the best writers I have ever met are people who have English Literature degrees. I do not know whether this is a coincidence, but maybe it is because they have had to read books as often as I drink coffee. There is actually a method to reading correctly that few people know about. It is called reading actively and I believe this is the key to becoming a better writer than you are at present.
I realised some time ago that if I wanted to become a better writer then my reading skills had to improve. It was really difficult to train myself to read books in an entirely new way. It involved developing a sharp mind, increasing my attention span, so I am focusing on the book and nothing else, and make reading books a priority over everything else. Reading and writing go hand in hand, like salt and vinegar.
Here a few of the small changes I have made to the way I read. The results have been really noticeable.
Try reading just one book at any one time. If you are anything like me, I normally had at least three books on the go. I used to read certain genres depending on what mood I was in at the time. I found that it took me forever to finish a book. This transferred into my writing projects also. I knew how to start a book or a manuscript, but by the time it came to creating a powerful ending, I was stuck for ideas. By focusing your attention on one book, you become absorbed in the lives of the characters and engaged in the storyline. You also become more aware of details like the writer's style and areas that you dislike or like such as elements of dialogue, foreshadowing and conflict. Begin this method by reading books by authors you love and then use this technique for all future reading.
You must also only read books when you are totally awake or not preoccupied. You need to learn as much as you can from the book, and this is impossible if you are tired or your mind is on something else. Many of us read just before we go to sleep, but this is not reading actively. Keep short stories or magazine articles for bedtime reading. Also, make notes as you go, whether it is a certain personality trait of a character, a piece of dialogue or an area of action; make a note of it. If you cannot bring yourself to write in the margins, just use a notebook. Ask yourself questions as you go through the book. How are the characters developing? What is the inciting incident? Why did I like/dislike that plot point? Your answers may change as you work your way through the book, but that is perfectly acceptable because, as we know, reading is subject to the reader's individual taste.
Read books that you regard as your favourites. Using the techniques above, ask yourself why you enjoy this book. When you are reading books by your favourite authors, what patterns in their writing do you notice? You should also read books in the same genre you write in. This gives you an idea of what the competition looks like but also what works and what doesn’t. Are there some recognisable patterns in the bestsellers that are non-existent in less popular novels?
Reading outside your specialised genre is also important. It is challenges like this that teach us about ourselves as writers, and also give us inspiration for our own projects. You are more likely to find a love scene in a romance novel than a fantasy novel. But what if you were a science fiction writer and wanted to include a subplot of a romance between two characters? If you only read science fiction novels, how would you know where to begin to create a believable love story? It is important you set yourself a timescale for reading a book. Try to increase the number of books you read per month. If you usually read a book a month, try increasing it to two. Once you have completed a book, write a short review covering all the aspects of the book you enjoyed, and those not so much. Does this book have the potential for a sequel, and what would happen during that book?
by Lesley Jones Best Selling Author of the Addictive Laugh Out Loud Comedy The Diary Of Poppy Parker
Read many more articles to help you become a successful writer here
by Lesley Jones Best Selling Author of the Addictive Laugh Out Loud Comedy The Diary Of Poppy Parker
Read many more articles to help you become a successful writer here
Character Psychology
When you are creating the backstory for your characters, the most important aspect to consider is the psychology of your characters. How do they process information in their minds, and how does this mindset transpire in the actions they take? Once you have this down on paper, then you will know exactly how your character will respond to most given situations or other characters and therefore your novel will be far easier to write. However, this takes a lot of work in the planning stage. So here are a few steps you can take to help you with this. Everyone is born with a blank slate psychologically, and as a person goes through life, they meet certain people and go through certain experiences. This shapes their views on themselves, the world and others. Their brain becomes programmed by their belief system. The main reference point for a child is their parents, and this is key to how they will judge certain situations in their future. If a person experiences pain, trauma or rejection, then they will refer to their childhood memory, and from this decide how to respond. If a character had a traumatic childhood, there maybe be a yearning to gain acceptance and love. They may be conditioned to believe pain and love are the same. They may also find it impossible to trust or show affection. Our past experiences may also have contributed to a certain phobia. I know this is true for myself, as my mother had a dreadful phobia of birds which I inherited. As a writer, it is your job to use one of these destructive beliefs as an obstacle for your character to overcome and develop into a more grounded character. Most of what pushes a character to behave in a certain way or to have a certain belief system is buried deep in their subconscious. A character may suppress a lot of painful memories as a way to cope, but the belief will remain as a weight of negativity around their neck. This negativity could be manifested in a way a character reacts to people or situations. There will be a constant inner battle between what they want and what they do. It will show itself in impulse behaviour and reactions. For example, bursts of violence on hearing bad news. If you really want to dig deep into your character's personality, then explore whether they are introverts or extroverts. Introverts focus on themselves, their need for self-improvement and discovery of their true calling. Extroverts love being the centre of attention and crave attention and popularity. An interesting concept though would be to create a character that would appear to be an extrovert but actually be the opposite? This would make an excellent character and quite complex, as they could appear to be happy to be single, but actually, crave love but have trust issues. You can break personality types down even further - sensation, thinking, feeling and intuition. Sensation personality types live for the moment, they can be impulsive and creative. Intuitive types are also creative but normally are writers, artists and entrepreneurs. They are huge dreamers and are very focused on their futures. Thinking personalities use logic to solve problems. They use facts, and not gut instinct to make decisions. Detectives are normally this personality type. Feeling types wear their hearts on their sleeves and can be very emotional. They are good at building great personal relationships and make excellent teachers or any career in the caring profession. A person can have any number of these personality types; one will be dominant and the other subconscious. Remember strange behaviour and reactions from your characters make for the most intriguing. Let your imagination go wild and create the most amazing people for your novel.
by Lesley Jones Best Selling Author of the Addictive Laugh Out Loud Comedy The Diary Of Poppy Parker
Read many more articles to help you become a successful writer here
by Lesley Jones Best Selling Author of the Addictive Laugh Out Loud Comedy The Diary Of Poppy Parker
Read many more articles to help you become a successful writer here
Body Language Guide
Body Language Guide
As a writer, I am always aware of the importance of using body language to enhance the depth of the character. Using body language is a great way to show the state of mind of the character, but how and when to use it can be quite confusing. Here are my tips to make the process easier. Remember that a character can exhibit more than one of these behaviours at the same time. They can be happy and shocked or angry and shocked.
Body language has many benefits. You can use it to reveal how your characters' emotions affect what action they take, thus delving into their psychology and belief system. It is useful to add realism to your dialogue and a perfect way to help you show not tell your reader what is happening. Remember half of all communication is non-verbal in reality and characters in novels are no different. But beware of overusing it, as it can really slow the progression of your storyline down.
Anticipation – Unable to remain still, nervous grin, dry mouth, licking lips, or playing with hands.
Amusement – throwing head back, clapping hands together, or shaking with laughter.
Anger - Slam fist onto a surface, point with one finger, throbbing veins in the neck, narrow/squint eyes, clench fists/jaw, flushed face, roll eyes, bare teeth, exasperated sighs, tight lips, or lower eyebrows.
Anxiety – Fidget, darting eyes, clammy palms, high-pitched laughter, swallow repeatedly, quickened breathing/speech, pacing, play with hair/hand, or hunched posture.
Boredom – Avoid eye contact, fidgets, taps hands on a surface/themselves, tap feet, slouched posture, play with a pen, or doodles.
Confidence - Push chest out, steeple fingers, hands clasped behind back, definite and firm movements.
Contempt – Sneer, dismissive handwaving away, or pursed lips.
Deception- Avoid eye contact, shrug shoulders, nod head yes while saying no, hesitation in speech, change in demeanour, unwarranted laughter/smile, or continuous blinking, cross arms/legs, or place something in front of themselves as a barrier.
Disgust – Gagging, flinch, cover the nose, turn away, squint eyes, or protect the body with hands.
Fear – Rock from side to side, hunch shoulders, shrunken body posture, wrap arms around themselves, tremble, or widened eyes.
Honesty – Maintain eye contact, smile with eyes, open body posture.
Overwhelmed – Hands grip onto an object/person, palms placed on the forehead, fingers cover one eye or staring into space.
Passion/Eager - Raised eyebrows, hand on heart, double-handed handshake. Wide eyes with a steady eye contact or body posture, lean towards the other person.
Dominance – Steepled fingers, hands behind head, feet up, fixed stare, tight-lipped smile, chest out, or hard, aggressive handshake.
Jealousy - Sour expression, crossed arms, or narrowed eyes.
Possessiveness – Place hands on the person's neck, hands or shoulders, or on a wall nearby, step into their personal space, turn body towards the person, or stare angrily toward anyone that comes close to that person.
Suspicion – Narrow eyes, sideways glance, hands in pockets, rub eyes, heavy sigh, blow out cheeks, avoid eye contact, or tight lips.
There are many more body language expressions, I am sure, but this is a good guide to get you started.
by Lesley Jones Best Selling Author of the Addictive Laugh Out Loud Comedy The Diary Of Poppy Parker
by Lesley Jones Best Selling Author of the Addictive Laugh Out Loud Comedy The Diary Of Poppy Parker
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