Friday, May 25, 2018

Can Anyone Really Write a Book?

The question is sometimes asked whether anyone can write a book, with no writing experience? The writer in me wants to declare that only once you have studied your craft and written for years could you be ready to write your first quality book. However, I only have to take a look at the best selling books from last Christmas to discover that, yes, in fact anyone and their mother can write a book. With top selling novels including chefs and comedians outselling reputable authors like John Grisham, it seems if you have a good fan base, then you can sell your book.
However, all is not lost for there are a few facts to consider.
Most celebrities do not even write their own books, some do not even read them once they are published. They simply hire a ghost writer to do all the work for them, and then take the praise and royalties.
The amount of books that are sold does not correspond to the actual quality of the book.
The ingredients that go into creating a novel that is gripping and engaging takes a lot more talent and thought than simply putting pen to paper. Yes, anyone can write a story, but to write a story that someone wants to read is another matter.
Let us compare quality and quantity. The Twilight novel series has sold many copies, but if you dissect the meat and bones of the book, you will find clichés surrounding vampires and very little else. The reason they are so popular with readers is they give a sense of escapism. The reader is not interested in the grammatical correctness; they just want to escape the real world for a few hours.
Many celebrities have confessed to never writing one word of their books. They come up with a vague idea, not even a detailed storyline, and then hand it over to a talented writer to complete. The publishers know they are going to make money from the book, because of the celebrities’ large following, so there is no financial risk for them. Being a ghost writer can be the most thankless of jobs, as they not only have to write someone’s else’s story, but they have to write from the perspective of the person who has hired them.
So, what is the difference between writing and really writing? That is something that even the critics and readers fail to agree on. Critics are looking for originality in the plot and characters. They want a story to inspire, to provoke insight, to show the English language for its literary beauty. The reader just wants something that is easily understood and absorbed, as they travel to work or before they go to sleep. That is the reason behind the success of Fifty Shades of Grey.
If you are an aspiring author, you will soon realise that writing a book is a lot harder than you think. If you are an indie author, anticipating the release of a book, you are not going to have the backing of agents and publishers, even though you probably have far more talent than your average reality star. The only motivation to keep you going will come from within yourself. You must be dedicated to study your craft and keep pushing forward. Get plenty of practice, and read as much as you can. Many writers have written several novels and short stories before they are published.
In conclusion, writing is like any art form; it takes skill and not everyone is going to have the time, patience or talent. However, I feel most people do have a story inside of them, whether it is a story of their own life or just an idea for a fictional story. By hiring the skill of a ghostwriter, anyone can share their story with the public. But in my opinion, if you are a writer then you will write when no-one else cares if you do. You will write even if you are told you will never sell a book, because you are a natural born writer.

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