Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Thinking Human's Guide to Religion: A Modern Interpretation of an Ancient Text

Religion: fact, or fiction? The chronicle of Creation, or the ramblings of a madman? If you’ve ever wondered what it’s all about but can’t bring yourself to actually read a bible, then this book is for you!

With irreverent interpretations reflecting the modern, enlightened age we live in, this is the go-to book for when your sleep is rudely interrupted on Sunday mornings and you want some payback, but can never think of anything to question them with. Problem Solved!
 Review Feedback
Being a first time author, and owing to the controversial subject matter, I wasn't expecting very much in regards to reviews; but after reading Lesley's impassioned review, you could have knocked me over with a feather. I am amazed that an author of her calibre would find my literary offering worthy of such a high rating. I am truly humbled and wish to thank her most sincerely for her wonderful review. Thankyou!

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