Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Twisted Wires

Twisted Wires refers to the crazy mixed up world of addiction. Twisted thinking and behaviour and attitudes abound about this subject. Surely in this day and age we could have a more cohesive attitude about it all? If this were to happen, maybe, just maybe we could have a better way of treating the problem, or detecting it before it became a problem. You have to agree the statistics about this disease are devastating, to live with it or to love someone who has it is the most perplexing thing ever. Addicts are the modern day lepers of society. Shunned, despised and most definitely misunderstood.

Review Feedback
I would like to send a massive thank you to my reviewer Lesley Jones. I love your feedback and this coming from someone whom I presume is not an addict is so important to me. I am on a quest to try to change public opinion on this tricky subject which is hard, but ultimately why I wrote the book. You have made me very happy! This whole process of writing and sending out to the world is a strange one where the hope to do well is strong, but also the hope that you the reader like what is written is also strong. So thank you, Lesley. xx

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