Saturday, June 23, 2018

Fallon: Memoirs of the Reborn

"Stories are your anchor to this world of turmoil and strife; cling to them and they shall save you." Cat's words of advice to a new author were simple: write to live. After fighting a battle that her late husband unknowingly started, Fallon James follows Cat's advice and writes her story. But is 'The End' really as final as it seems? Love transcends the boundaries of life and death in this story of secret societies, the quest to control reincarnation, and Fallon's struggle to save the only family she has left from The Order's deadly grasp.

This review was very well done! The overview of the story was intriguing and gave good detail without spoilers. The Review was well-thought out and contained all the information a reader would be looking for in a review: pace, character information, conflict, and whether or not the reader felt the story was interesting and unique.

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