Monday, July 30, 2018

Adding Personality to Your Writing

This article is predominantly for all writers of non-fiction who want to add some zest and personality to their content. There is a fallacy that non-fiction books must just be informative and full of fact and figures, but this isn’t going to create a book that will entice readers, unless your research is impeccable. The number of non-fiction authors who honestly believe that creating a boring account of their subject will entice readers to purchase is astounding to me. So if you do nothing else, then decide who you are actually writing for. Decide what age group your book is targeting, and then write specifically with them in mind. Remember, the wider your target audience, then the more difficult it will be not only in writing your book, but also to complete a successful marketing campaign.
If you were at a networking event and wanted to get someone’s attention about your latest work, then you would speak to them on a one to one basis. The more people you speak to at once, the harder it is to cater your marketing pitch to everyone’s needs. It is far better to have a smaller audience for your books but who are willing to become loyal purchasers of your books rather than target everyone but not gain a steadfast following.
It is very important to write how you speak. I have written an article outlining the reason why previously and I still feel this way. When you do this you immediately create a connection with your reader. After all, who wants to read a book that comes across as if it has been written by a robot with no personality? You want your audience to fall in love with your content and develop a passion for what you have to say. The fastest and the most efficient way to do this is to come across as passionate and human.
Write with honesty and your readers will build trust in you. Be authentic and genuine. Everyone understands that life isn’t perfect and happy all the time; don’t pretend otherwise or your reader will lose faith in the message you are trying to portray. Have the confidence to be yourself, don’t follow others because you feel that is how you should be. In time and with a lot of writing practice, you will work out who you are writing for, what message you want to get across and what your true personality is, and then you will have found the key to unlock the path to a very successful relationship with your readers.
Everyone has that sense of impending doom when they allow the public to gaze on their most recent work; feeling this way is completely normal and expected. Remember the famous novel, Feel The Fear But Do It Anyway? With plenty of practice, you will instinctively know the difference between feeling a little apprehensive and content that is not ready and needs a rewrite.
By following these guidelines, you will soon have a loyal following and an avid audience who love to engage with you.

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